What to Expect from the DIY Video Guy Podcast (DVG 001)

I'm pretty stoked for this and I hope you are too.

I used to have a podcast where I interviewed newly transitioned entrepreneurs, then I was on The Fizzle show for the first 74 episodes, but now I'm starting a new audio podcast.

Today's episode is the first of five during this launch week. In it, I'll describe what you can expect from the show, the format it will be in, what kind of guests I'll bring on, and what you'll learn from it.

I also give a longer background of my experience with video over the past decade and why I've decided to dedicate myself to teaching video creation online. Listen below.

You can consume the podcast in a few ways.

There will be four more episodes this week, Monday through Friday. Then starting next week we'll go to twice a week, on Wednesdays and Fridays.

My PodcastCaleb Wojcik