How to Vlog: 17 Tips For Getting Started (DVG 35)

Vlogging (video blogging) seems to be all the rage these days.

It has been around for a long time on YouTube with people talking into their webcams, but people like Casey Neistat and Ben Brown are growing huge audiences through telling daily stories of their life and putting much more work into them than a simple webcam vlog.

I recently started experimenting with vlogging and in this episode of the podcast I share seventeen tips I've learned so far.

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Which Video Editing Software Should You Use?

One of the questions I get the most is which video editing software I use to make videos.

I talked in detail about all the different options for video editing software in episode fifteen of the audio podcast, but I wanted an even quicker way to share my answer with people, so I put together a quick video.

In this episode I discuss 7 different pieces of video editing software, ranging from free to professional, and give recommendations on which you should use right now or in the future.

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Hey YouTuber, You're Doing These 9 Things Wrong (DVG 034)

When I browse around YouTube I see a lot of mistakes. Things that YouTubers either should be doing but aren't, or things they are getting completely wrong.

And don't worry, when I look at my own channel and videos I get a bunch of these things wrong too, but to be your best, sometimes you have to be your own worst critic. 

In this episode of the podcast I share nine things that most YouTubers and YouTube channels are doing wrong and how to avoid them yourself. 

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Fighting Creator's Block, Artist Loneliness, & Procrastination (DVG 033)

When you're working on a video alone, it can be hard to push through a create on demand when you're traveling too much, overwhelmed by client work, or just not inspired. 

In the video production process it might be super fun when your filming, perhaps with different people involved in front and behind the camera, at a fun event, in a new location, but once you get back home or to the office and need to edit that video, it can get really lonely. It is just you, the footage, and an empty timeline in your video editing program. 

In this podcast episode I break down how to stay on track by pushing yourself to create, what to do with your downtime to make your creation time better, and how to stop procrastinating on those large video projects. I share four ways cure artist lonliness and the five steps for coming up with and then executing on great ideas.

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Edit Videos Faster with These 37 Keyboard Shortcuts for Premiere Pro

Video editing already takes long enough, so let's speed things up with some of my favorite keyboard shortcuts and save you some time.

In this video I show you 37 different keyboard shortcuts I use while editing videos.

Also, I've created custom keyboard shortcuts that I've pulled from other video editors I've learned from in-person and online, so these aren't the default shortcuts built into Premiere, but if you're just getting started, practice learning the built-in shortcuts first by hovering over buttons before clicking them or seeing the command to the right of the action in the drop-down menus.

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