Weekly Videos with No Budget ft. Thomas Frank (DVG 006)

If you have no money for camera gear, lights, or software that can often hold you back from making videos.

Luckily, our guest on today's episode of the podcast, Thomas Frank of College Info Geek, shares how that isn't holding him back from making weekly videos on YouTube.

With less than a few hundred dollars worth of equipment, he makes short-form talking head videos for college students. 

In this episode Thomas shares how he makes his videos look great without investing a ton of money on a bunch of gear, tips for planning out your videos before you sit in front of the camera to make them, and how incorporating b-roll into his videos speeds up the process.

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Film Grain, Noise & What ISO Setting to Use (DVG 005)

Increasing the ISO setting on your camera makes your camera's sensor more sensitive to light. 

But why wouldn't you just want more light sensitivity? More light is almost always good right?

Unfortunately not.

In this episode I'll discuss ISO, which is the last of the three camera settings that impact the exposure triangle, and how it works. I'll also discuss the differences between film grain and camera noise, as well as how to add or remove each.

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What Frame Rate & Shutter Speed to Shoot Videos At (DVG 004)

If you shoot a video in an automatic mode, like Aperture priority, you can get some fairly unnatural looking video. 

It won't look smooth. Movement will look jittery and jumpy. And when your videos don't look like real life, the viewer will be distracted from the message you're trying to deliver. 

That's why you'll want to shoot in manual mode to pick the proper shutter speed and frame rate to get the best looking video possible.

In this episode I discuss what to set those at and how they effect what your video looks like. 

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Written vs. Audio vs. Video: Which is Best? (DVG 002)

One question I get all the time is: why should I make videos?

More specifically, they want to know when they should make a video instead of use another format like written or audio. Often times they are already blogging, podcasting, and making plenty of other kinds of content for the web.

Each of these three mediums have their strengths and weaknesses, but I have very specific views on why video is the best for certain things (including teaching and building brand loyalty) and not for others. 

In this episode of the podcast I make my case for video and why it should be a big part of your content strategy. 

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What to Expect from the DIY Video Guy Podcast (DVG 001)

Today I'm starting a new audio podcast.

This episode is the first of five during this launch week. In it, I'll describe what you can expect from the show, the format it will be in, what kind of guests I'll bring on, and what you'll learn from it.

I also give a longer background of my experience with video over the past decade and why I've decided to dedicate myself to teaching video creation online. Listen below.

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My PodcastCaleb Wojcik
What’s Next for DIY Video Guy

Today is my first day of being fully self-employed. I’ve officially stepped down from working at Fizzle.

I’m putting all my time and effort now into building this site and my video production company, Caleb Wojcik Films. I’ve already started taking on clients and doing video shoots with some of clients I’ve specifically targeted to work with, but now I’m ready and able to put a lot more effort into DIY Video Guy.

In this post I’ll lay out what some of my upcoming plans for this site are and what you can expect to see from me here over the next couple months.

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Caleb Wojcik